Mommy Advice: Dealing with tantrums

11:47 AM

I will be the first person to admit that with my first born i can't not deal with tantrums. I know being a first time mommy everyone assumed i would give my son anything he wants but i knew that's how i did not want to raise him. I'll admit that a few times I've given him something just to make him stop crying...i wouldn't recommend that to anyone especially a new mommy. What i notice about all children not just mine is that if you continue this habit they will be trained to think that if they continue to cry, throw things, or hit you they can get it.

My son didn't get into that habit until a few months ago. He throw's things at me hits me, smacked me, and would just run around the room like a crazy person until he hurts his self or gets a headache. MOMMY TO THE RESCUE! Here are some tips that i think can help a new mother or any mother that needs help with your son or daughter.


  1. Try so calm your child down
  2. Give him a snack to get his or her mind off of why they were mad in the first place
  3. Rock them to relax him or her while there sitting in your lap, this trick does work wonders. Try to hold your child in a way you use to when they were a baby, rub there back or tummy.
  4. Put there favorite children's TV show on. Some parent don't let there child get any TV time but if you do try this step.
  5. Give them something warm to drink or there favorite beverage, this will relax them or might even put them to sleep.

                              If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.

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